Monday, June 11, 2012

Tuesday in Amsterdam

Tuesday in Amsterdam

All my hope is fraudulent
I do not expect it to work
I wonder if that mutates what should be hope
Into a bastard sabotaged version of bitterness

Infected with this rational expected outcome
Magnetizing loneliness to the polarized me
Faith in oblivion to be certain
Belief in the tradition of dehumanized shells

Drowned insensitive and commercially employed
Across grand landscapes presumed dead from the get
Go of knowing the reactions and wanting nothing but
Time to heal and die before I have to try

Again because what do I ever get out of breathing to sing
Any other song but these but asphyxiated on a highway roadside
An angry wench and a busted breath exhausted and lost
In the timeframes of the tossed and mangled and

Child in head strangled before the fetus could mature
The Egg-man on the beach dying and endured a melt down
In the frying pan of Amsterdam and Paris and this Indian land
All scrambled and pre-tabled for an argument that will never be made

Just words to a story that will never get on the page
And all my hope is fraudulent that this will ever change
What was, was and being a man capable of love can’t get these
Traffic accidents out of my head, the crashes

They just play over and over again, like a Sports Center highlight
Of one team getting trashed and the hospital bill is measured in volumes
And the financing will take years to compute the interest on the dues
Owned to contemplate the normal state of finding a base line

A heart beat in rhythm with a transplanted new undulating time
To dub and dub and keep inside and remain like a love
Sailing and all these lies that I keep impaling in these palms
I am no Christ and all my aspirations are gone

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