Thursday, June 28, 2012


I overestimated your heart as if carrying around my counterpart
Like an oil tanker, cavern of an interstate at night in an Arizona desert
Open for miles with the blackest sky and tumble weed drives

Blowing a colder than expected wind rustling mixed images
On the fringes of expectations waiting for melting days
Dripping out would be wax skin like candles expiring
Eggs in a skillet asphalt expanse just waiting for you to ask

A question back staring at that egg man
Dangling on the bottom tip of the crescent moon
Fishing for your emotions and plunking the cork
Felt like a gushing steam of Colorado

Breaking down the mountain’s tongue licking down
From Paris to Rome and seeing me in that sand all alone
Pulling my feet right off the edge of that lunar bench
Fling me down like a sacrament; snap my limbs against the dunes

Burry me under all those grains, completely full
No need to breathe or even conceive a mirage
But justice shows ten years gone and now I now
The splendor was a sliver, a drop from a canteen

Could keep me from seeing the life you were living
Using me for a pick you up like a vagabond hunched over in the back of a pick up truck
Passing through sympathy for a second glance with lies about the happen stance
And the food-colored love just doesn’t taste the same
Without all this sand in my eyes

Turn around, drop me off back here in the dunes and
This time I will find my way out of here on my own,
Stand up and stake my claim on a golden pan right here in my own hands
Spit these specks of you right of my lips and dead end dreaming, I’m gone, I’m gone,
I’m gone, I’m gone, I’m gone

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