Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Yoke

The Yoke

The thought of you breaks a yoke I have carried
For longer than I can recall its absence. 
Like a field oxen adjusted to daily work
Knowing the burdens, knowing the weight,

The thought of you entering my life has lifted
A measure of assumptions,
Liberating my hopes into an entirely fresh discussion
Of where my life could be. 

Because I feel like I felt a part of you, genuine and pulsating
Out on the ledge of amazing, incredible wonder,
That there are parts of you breaking the edge and uncover,
That this absence of traditional gravity makes so much say yes,

And I know the time must pass,
The words must pass between your lips and my ears,
And drive the car and I have to remember to steer,
But the thought of you sits on my mind like feathers and cream,

Like this sweetness, this in flight moment,
Rumbling and rushing and ignoring the concept of a deterrent,
Because everything I know, says dive in,
That sometimes in life to make a choice and move
And never regret anything

But not being willing to give it all a try

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