Thursday, June 28, 2012

Aleutian Ice float

Maybe I am not meant to understand the sentiment
Of throwing a scribble of the middle of a plastic name and
A placid claim with generic speak to stand back and blow the meek
Mickey Mouse appearance to put on hats and shows

To let no body know a personality of any kind, but generality
Could be anybody trapped in a flesh and blood carrier
Bare of any real concerns perfect for you to mold and turn
Into a fantasy or a nightmare to show you all of nothing, but facade

Can not hurt me or hurt you because I might as well be a blank tissue
Sitting in the box, fluffy and cuddly, but eventually not
Covered in the darkest secrets I would rather not tell
So why don’t I just come out and tell you right from the start

But then would you pick me used and burnt
Got to swindle what wins and whistles the beginning of the race
Going to run out there like flowers unfazed to give you someone to chase
As if I could be your dream, but then again I don’t even have the face

The height or beauty despite the lie and the inflection of changing
My voice just for our own protection to step there to a second level
Of actually speaking I think I might just be leaving out here adrift
On this ice float going to go kamikaze Eskimo knowing better for my place

Is out here cold and thawing too slow to ever feel
Going numb in secret why should I even excrete a semblance of a sentence
About me, loser of a bet I haven’t kept to even have a wager parlor to take it yet

But if you say you know before you go then a conversation in tune inside only
Two ears instead of four will get you twisted all the way to a core
Of lonely on an isle of one, frozen for knowing you have done
Nothing but plastic because you couldn’t bare to ask if
Any of this made sense, if any of this was preventative

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