Thursday, June 28, 2012



Faith in you like a counterweight
Unknown deeds piled up like deposits in a bank
Measures for someone else my acts are placed in cobwebbed corners
In boxes and storage of the sums of what I will do anyway

Whether you exist or not I will be stacking blocks
Of days and nights and though they might seem nothing more
Than cubes on brackets I hope one day you will want to
Open the captive containers of papers and folders ink on covers

And color in the borders of rules followed and Sundays hallowed
Out to remain here as a man wanting and knowing
That some things did not need to be, but were
Disappointments formed and stormed off into a memory of an army
With bloodied lips and wrinkled cheeks and yet still we meet

Here in this ware house of moving and unpacking for the mapping
Of where we both want to go off from here with a push broom
And a fork lift and wait done and over with to find the code
The letters and numbers of all the directions told out like a final

Pirate run to un-sand with hands scurrying like turtle flippers
Shoveling the time caked on top of buried treasures
In two shells uncover everything in paper back skin read and

Let the other in for days are gone and the line is here of
Wanting more in one sentence than every point before here
Running with out abandon, knowing now is finally now

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