Thursday, June 28, 2012

Comets on the Plain

Comets on the Plain

Stash my desperation behind these contrary covers
Of hope and evidential matter to my character
To dissuade you from alleviating yourself of my commentary
From my inquiry and patient contemplation

Out here in time wishing that you would reapportion
Your allotments for allocating attention in my pool
Of collected contact not from some arm twisting
Battery of my collected verbs and adjectives

But from an internal choice patterned after a willingness
To believe in the possibility of the satellites of the universe
That I project in my spheres of thought approaching you like
Comets on the plains of these days that you would rather hold

Than let go of in the passages of what your life is becoming
Before you and with you a choice directed to the gravity of
A greater combination of two bodies transient and pulled
To balance in a proximity of reverberation

And in the seismic waves of that adjoining message
The fear in me of the absence of someone like you existing
Is eradicated in mass, obliterated into breadcrumbs
For a trail to a time of these mistakes that have led me to you

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