Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wishlist 2

I want someone to renew my faith in life.
I want someone to wipe this caked on mud off my face.
I want someone who wants to say yes, instead of silence.
I want the pressure release valve of all that has drugged me.

I want someone to want to speak to me because it is the best part of her day.
I want a margin for error.
I want a sympathy on the swell of the pressure on my senses.
I want to know my world is not set to fall apart at any moment.

I want to know the home I will grow old in and the face I will grow old with.
I want to hold the hand I will be-wed and shed all these memories into
footsteps upon a staircase to her.
I want the lyrics and words to know I can stumble in a mumble and not be ridiculed.

I want my child to know the man I am and find gratitude in a smile at sixteen.
I want to be someone’s everything. 
I want to go on adventures without an empty palm to my right.
I want to hit a home running winning stand.

I want to break the rules and say I love you again.
I want to learn what I have never learned in the eyes of empathy learning the reciprocal.
I want to write the perfect line.
I want to drive away to Denver in a soundtrack of conversation that spans time zones.

I want to see her face to the right at night from the stare of my pillow.
I want to sleep soundly.
I want to quit waking up at four am and thinking of her not there and unable to get back to sleep.
I want to fix an adult dinner and then breakfast.

I want to kiss on the sofa and get distracted in the mathematics
I want someone else to get the mail.
I want forgiveness in the arms of her embrace.
I want to stop wanting.

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