Thursday, June 28, 2012

Last Exit for Worm Food

Fears like caverns in the distance
Spectral out there like beacons of inevitable failure
Knowing the shining light ahead
Is my last exit before the finality of empty

Wanting to sit idle, peddle in singularity
Resting on time as if all potential outcomes
Scrape the soul like hydrogen peroxide on a second grade skin-shredded shin
Where the administrator knows the benefits and the applicant is all regrets

Bellowing for another avenue, but the last stop is still good for you
Grilling on my shortened end why do I have to go through this again

Loneliness like a forest nest of a balding eagle up in a tree
Watching the understory go on without me
Wanting to stay up here out of fear

Doubt like a blanket comfortable and ragged
Cuddled up and dragged with me on this highway
Knowing the exit is coming up sideways

What if I call out into this night and hear silence despite
My tries with underbellies of desperation
Rising like worms in the rain, what will I see if I look down in the pain
Hundreds, thousands? of purple browned lines squirming for air
Out from the grime, somehow I don’t want to know what is buried

Just let me stay, just let me stay alone in this frayed stance
Wishing I could go back, wishing all of that was different, that kindness had listened
The first time, that fun had an upside that I ever felt the benefit of doubt

Instead of an elixir of rain drop turning my stomach like a puppet inside out
Bent with my mouth in my ass trying to speak but some how she laughs
So distorted for trying as if God only gave beautiful people options
Voices worth hearing and a box you could get out from

Shudder in height wanting to grow taller in the night time
Like a princess with a pea, if only the obstruction could be removed
Progress would continue to its original intended outcome
Of towering and showering the world with the same words from a revived perspective

All the crowds would gather to hear as if simple stature could clear
Out doubt like a cleansing flood with the length to rise my head above
The suffocation of Earth, this worm could rise and breath and find
Shelter and not a concrete reverb heating the insides in inescapable solitary contact

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