Thursday, June 28, 2012

Cheshire Moon

Cheshire Moon

Thinking I could handle this wash-over glancing blow
Another push of tide across the sanded shore
Hope slips into the palm of the water’s grip
Pulling into clutch so much more than these days

Grin up at the moon and try to exhume
Demons right here on the beach
The cork on the wine bottle to hell
Unleash it here and now and allow me to dispel

Notions of civility and mental capacity
To comprehend the whys of these moments of pretend
When I try to ignore mathematical statistics of appearance
Of these absences pilling up like bullets in a chamber

Past in the barrel of those would-not-be strangers
If my vote had any relevant factor of ambition
To disregard this untimely mission of democracy
Flagged down on a road side, empty of gas

Praying on the kindness of passers by
For voyage to a place to refill my tank
Either in her carriage or into some other place
Where all these ignored thumbs in the air

Could some how amount to some stretch of settlement
These years out here on the road, when I only thought I had a home
Tear it all down

Laugh at this Cheshire moon grinning for a toy
My hopes tangled in this ball of string
Of only me and frayed memories
Rolling around for stagnant time’s plaything

This blow, this ignored form
I can not breathe another breath to adorn
The vestments of this man standing here with country plans

Of calling out in letters to the wind
Only to see hale falling from the sky
Nature revolting, not your time to be out
Side in this chance, better in empty hands

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