Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day Two

Day Two

Can you make yourself easier to miss?
The thoughts of you being away ten or a thousand miles
Although absent in an approximate distance of
Not in my proximity still feels farther

Knowing I could not run out my door
And find you in a mad dash like a cowboy on the call
Rounding and roping them all

The fires out here of all the things I can not tell you
Trying not to pressure
Trying to be sustained, satiated in the breach
Of there in here in day two I am already impaired

On the divide between waiting and wanting
And all of the stunting of where we will be
I just do not want to fathom that this pathway is wrong
How can it be, when I am on fire?

Burning in all this want like a parade on trucks
Rolling down Canal called out with the barricades
Set up broadcasting loud speaker system in flames
Shooting out in shouts of the definitive

Despite these what ifs disregarded to the margins
Running with scissors and the sum
Old spoiled days have born fruit up from the roots
To make this man who can

Recognize the star of his soul, burning in the role
Of a celestial body falling in the sky
Hoping to grab hold before she passes by
These ghosts that know the name

Of these days, these days that stake a claim
To not be forgotten, to not be passed up
And slipped underneath a paper clip
In a file to be stored away

No, take them out and be that man
Be the man who can, call up into the sky
Pull down a star and ride, right up into the clouds
Fall down and roll around and burn alive

Burn alive in the feeling of now and how
These days are a thousand miles off the ground
I am alive, alive

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