Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Boundaries and Bartering of Want

The Boundaries and Bartering of Want

Bartering with security in self
To figure out what you want
The idea that you actually want me
That you would pursue me if I were to turn

As if not to offer my time and myself in verbal and written overtures
That you had to dissect this communication by instilling
Your own risk into a sense of wanting someone
You may not be able to have is the paradox DNA of attraction

By easing this burden for you
I am damning myself into a corner of fragility
To shatter these birthing bonds between us
And so gamesmanship perpetuates the routes

Of foreign waters to ask myself to ignore you
To put off speaking in weeks of distance
As if everyday is a mental exercise in self flagellation
To implicate a lack of want, an ability to live outside the boundaries

Of the consciousness of your existence with ease
And eradicate my writer’s soul, the expounding juggernaut
Of emotional discourse of what I am feeling and wanting
And thinking and not interact with its stampede

Through my daily activities, to ignore this marauder of focus
That uproots forests and crashes down mountains of stable and
Professional pursuits that I should be attending to, but can not
Overcome the pleasurable undercurrents of the waters of you

That run rapid in an undertone returning in ten minute increments
Like a streaker in public spaces demanding onlookers
That although less audacious, I am none the less incapable of ignoring
And all my resistance is rendered moot

Knowing I have never felt wanted in my life
Knowing I have never felt chosen above another option
Knowing I have never felt the luxury of a margin for error

These damnations of self-image hidden like closeted nuclear weapons
Exposed and exploding in the bowls of my own coatings
Suicide to describe to you at this stage, hoping for a one day

Type of understanding lurking the margins, unconcerned with my history
And permitting my focus to return in a simple request of desire from you
Knowing, for you to ever love me I must be birthed as a ghost
Capable of grand intrigue that only reciprocal uncertainty can ever solidify
Into tangible attraction

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