Wednesday, June 20, 2012


There are only ten thousand things
I want to share with you,
But that is all I can think of at the moment
I will think of more

Tomorrow and follow down
The path of your laugh
And trickle down the apex of your smile
Find an unknown in the boughs

Of these tree trunks forested inside me
To climb up and confound me
How to describe every leaf to you
If I will have the time and patience

To not burn this forest to the ground
Confused and at the sound
Of not knowing if the reciprocal exists
Above a denominator of zero or a two

To divide this up and follow through
With all these sentences on the fences
Of the line between the forest and the city
All these moving pieces

I can not sleep with this distance in the sheets
Waking up for answers knowing I can not speak
To you dreaming and awaking away
In a hammock strung up in the trees

Swaying in the branches waiting to fall 
Expectations not to expect it all 
To work out, always an opposite
Directions for affections and all these names

That fail to mention
Me as a man worthy of remembering
As a seed grown into someone integral
A man with a comma before the decimal

In the number of things I got to convey
Before this breeze just blew me away
Down from these branches into the grip
Of more busted chances

Down here in the rocks, gravel and blocks
Of cold concrete to eat with a spoon and smile
That one day my bones will mend, feet back in the spikes
And my body will hike up the trunk to the top of the redwood
Forgiving, but not forgetting the life I have led

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