Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Nightingale

The Nightingale

Thoughts of you like the Emperor’s nightingale
Singing in the corridors of these days in waiting
Released and flying, expelled into the blue
Wanting to think of you, yet parceled

Into a measure secluded behind these routine bastions
To mitigate the remembrance of a prospered feeling
Growing from the entry of your scent into my olfactory processes
Percolating the desire to know more and more

The key has passed the lock and the bird has flown
Behind these structured clouds of monotonous constructions
Of educational and professional pursuits froth with logic and purpose
And yet I wish to dissolve them into an ethereal wall

Passing through the tolls in time that must be collected
To acquire such luxuries and closing every door behind me
In hope to find the patience to wait to see you again
Yet in the rafters of every room, fluttering onto a settled perch

I see the nightingale feathered in full voice
Serenading my passing moments like a
Swarming accoutrement of heart  
That I can not help but want

Wondering if it is in you to wish to follow me
If you had the freedom of time in wings
If that is what your heart may bloom unto
I pray these days will unfold you

From an origami bird of all that has turned
The corners of my life into flesh of now of how
I can answer that exhausted question in the
Duality of a balancing response

For a need for something I can not yet be
Hoping the egg is hatching within you and warming
Under my embrace to gestate the time in which these
Inherent responses to your presence become commensurate
With that which we have shared.

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