Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Pheromones of Calling Home

The Pheromones of Calling Home

Scattered and unfocused
My ability to be productive has turned to mush
In the pheromones of calling home
The scent of you lingering on my clothes

A t-shirt I will chance to change in one more day
But not just yet, I can still picture you
As if you have just left
The step to my side

The scent of you, it glides across in footsteps
To my mind and has me acting in a different way inside
The life of words that hope to chance
The better part of the coming days

I can not answer the employment of this maze
Of spreadsheets and computer messages
Of phone calls and stapled prefaces
To conversations on other matters

Are all underlined by the subtext of you
That there is a moment coming one day drumming
That will beat back the rhythm of your scent strumming
The pheromones of coming home

In the space between that day and now
I will attempt to closet off the thoughts of how
Patience can exist in the sounds and smells that
I know I have missed

In these hours spent, living the life
That time has meant to play out the acts
To that moment of time
When the waft of you and I collide

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