Wednesday, June 20, 2012

In Explanation

In Explanation

I am not sure how to explain to you that you inspire me to be the better me
A man embracing life for what will be rather than what was

This past year and a half has been the most arduous of my life and the three
Years before that I swore could not be exceeded in stress

Yet I am here with you now
Muscles torn and ripped from these exercises 
In self definition, to be a man in granite
Heavy from the sack of boulders on my lungs

Lodged against my heart
So the oxygenation of the blood is compressed
Into shuffled steps towards repair   
Part of that is explaining plainly

Where I have been because these things that I have wished for in my life
That have been absent for so long to trust, to feel the compassion of a woman

In the caress upon my cheek, to kiss me in reassurance that she has no desire to walk away
I have reconciled a betrayal of my best friend, my lover, the mother of my child

And seen her take up arms against me to conceal her own coup of a liar’s high ground
Pelting me with a distant silence snuffing out love for an agenda of pride

I know it does not matter to you what happened
You are interested in the man that I have become
Not the man that I was, to presume I am indestructible
Purports and arrogance against my own sensitive fragilities

For as much as I was hurt, it is not a doubt of you
Or a wound I wish you to heal, or a story I wish to keep reliving
For what I wish, is to live with you in the now

For you to simply know these stated facts of the last decade of my life
So that you can know me better and I will not have dance around
A partial iteration of what was, and to maybe feel, if it is not too bold to ask
The compassion of your heart, to feel that would mean more to me than I can describe.

I was in a relationship for nine years, married for seven.
I have been through Enron and the fall of Arthur Andersen,
My roof torn off from Katrina, moving to Texas,
And committing to moving back to my ex wife’s home town
To build her, her grand Southern dream home
I lived with my in law’s for two years, while both trying
To still sell my storm damaged house and constructing a new one
We moved in May of 2008
On December 11th I built snowmen in the backyard with my daughter.
On the evening of December 15th, my ex wife sat down on her
Most prized possession and told me

I am not happy.
Either you can go to a hotel or I am leaving, but we are not staying in the same house tonight.
I want to separate.

Three sentences without further explanation.
And an initial professions of remorse and a self proclamation of her going to hell for this.
And the next day she started a war of silence and defamation.

I lived nine months in wait to plead my case before the court to see my daughter in equal custody and retort claims of only being able to see her four days a month.
At the same time becoming a single father of a confused little girl.
Lies without remorse, yet I won the day.

The wait drained, bodies manipulated.
Pleas for peace to sustain a new-bud family,  
Unrelenting despite the malice  

To this day we have never talked beyond that day on the porch, just us together
And everything she does is cast with a litigious over coat
No discussion to date, Monstrosity of a home
Like an albatross she asked for and now hangs like a
Perpetual threat to my bankruptcy

Legal costs, settle for her number
Deny the bitter, regroup in time away from my loved ones to
Refund this deficit

Doing my best to not be fearful of being open to love
I have chosen openness over becoming an armadillo
In wait, ready, to uncoil in want across this road

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