Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Riding the Rails

Riding the Rails

This life is just not as complicated as our emotions
Would like to lead us off cliffs to believe in dooms and rainbows
Of conflicts and complications of absolutes and musts
There are indubitably too many bluffs

Around corners and walls and jumps to overcome the all
Encompassing messages of trust and self and exposing risk
Over the rails of this train car, to hang out the window
And hang your tongue like a dog, be free as can be

In the winds and the sails to ride those paced rails
To know that the search is not in the end, but in the steps
On the mend of these bumps we call wounds
That it is just not that bruised

Scratches heal and the blood clots and seals
All these passions that abandon our maps
Although it may pain there are always other destinations
To crash at the end of a day and say
I am free and at peace in this solemn release

In my own shirt I put on for me
These sheets that I sleep
This is me here and not there, over prepared
For some battle that doesn’t even matter

Because I know I am me, plainly to see
The places I have found in the boughs of your arms
Like heaven but one day I may be walking on
Outside of my control or perception

For some reason you kept failing to mention
And I will accept that and I will intake that
You had your reasons and you had to choose
And if it wasn’t me and I had to lose

The touch of your skin or the sound of your speech
Then those are barriers that I will have to breach
And accept for I will always have me left
Here on this train car steaming along

That I am a man a thousand years strong
What matters is the choice that I make
Not the ones that other people take
Out of my control so all I can do

Is know and relay my role
And in that I am at peace

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