Wednesday, June 20, 2012



Answers on a high wire of all the wants I can not get out of my head
Of magnetized rationale pulling me towards an explanation of drive

Of why I saw you like a spotlight
A dancer on the stage to watch you pirouette
Amongst the company left absent to the curtain
Out there in the dark to feature you in that luminous circle

A girl in the mural of singular expression
Without the need of a thousand accoutrements
To fill in the exceptions, just a portrait in the frame
A girl within the lines in simplicity

The gifts of showering anonymity, to know you and not yet know
To want to round the corners of that circle and be more in the normal

Course of your day, to sit, to talk, to say
With ease and care that I was the man who is there
To hear your peace, to grant your yield to release
Like a summer drive, to get in the car and wind to fly

Your naked words in facile strength To be yourself without the maze
Explain the ways, the spotlight shines The portrait paints, an introduction

Green eyes dreaming, a body dancing on the midway
Between a Grecian shore and a sofa side line
Resting and caressing that balance between
A woman defined enough to pursue and open with possibility to ponder

Around all the doors I have closed for myself
With my daughter and where I need to be
To find a woman approaching thirty, mature and knowing
Without progeny of her own: to add to the pressure of where I have grown

Eases the way for things not to complicate beyond what I can handle.
That middle ground between the end of sororities and children’s birthday parties

A zest for the music of humanity in the ears and in the soul
To still have the youth to move, to amuse a sense of want

To search with options into not settling implies a romantic desire
To not step through this maze alone, but
An independence to retain the integrity of a self determined humanity that will not wither in time
Yet open in a vulnerability to admit need for me to bare a purpose in the seed of want

A grace and respect for that which is greater than self,
To see a place for God in your realm

A diligence to self-betterment with an intelligence to
Fertilize the roots to the tendrils of your mind’s reach.

All the things you did not say
I see a woman more complete

No picture of a bar, no undisciplined remarks
No victim for sale, No definition of a diva impaled upon a cross
Searching for a man to save her from or praise her for her cause

And of all things natural to explain in inches rather than miles
I saw your picture and wow, attraction in a fraction of one
Indivisible quotient of joy, that there is beauty in green eyes and white skin
Smiling and not knowing what she is holding in

Not made up in products in a glamour parade
Trying to convince the world, a simple esteem
Covered in honest presentation, not bosomed projections
But an honest beauty refined and in line with my own desires

In the balance of the boat on the water’s sway reciprocal emotions play
Out in the apex of your smile like a blossom upon your left cheek
In a duality of fear and joy of what was and what is the man before you

To see a dancer on the midway squirming and nervous that in the most quiet of spaces
Love and better than just might be possible, timid yet hoping to utter
A gardener’s byproduct of words to bloom from this mutual cloistered silence,
I want you in my life.

Seeing all this play out in your undertones, with uncertainties eaten away
In daily rations eradicating an interment for each of us to the world we knew

Knowing there is something inherent, burgeoning
In the spaces of feelings growing from the continuance
That has not ceased and I do not want to abandon
In the crevices of my own frail hopes

A depth in you that I pray to expose
In metered measurements of your time
Held in gifts of a greater part to tell me
More than this introduction can possibly exert

But yes, these first rain drop reasons
Are why, I picked you.

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