Wednesday, June 20, 2012

In between the Lines

In between the Lines

Reading in between the lines of you
Trying not to be afraid to misconstrue
A timing and a patience a line in the fences
Of these silent spaces

The movements in the places when I am alone
That I can not see in you, and I wish I knew
What grows inside, is it me in scent, in face?
In an image you can not manage to erase?

Trout on the line hooked and towing in time
A jut abrupt and can not get away
Connected and knowing to be reeled in and
Showing the freedom of release

To come back in peace
A pool of that sitting just below the water’s surface
The placid liquid floor, a ceiling and all about the breaching
Of the circus beneath and all the discreet

Communications in blind extremities reaching
To uncover the rising and hope for the timing
Between setting the words to invite a return
Into a joint world and adjoin what feels like

Magnetic atonement in the sheets of your skin
This silence in waiting a prison of hope
The glide of the time when the sound shatters the surface
To fill in between the lines

Of what I hope and who you are
The reality and how far and how much better
Hands are than the feathers
Of a Pegasus or a Phoenix rising

To see you in the lines of a table
Juxtaposed with my words and your
Smile inflections and bold
Returns volleyed and felt in the most human of shells

Cracking open before me
A woman releasing herself to join me
Green eyes wide and growing inside
An answer I can finally understand

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