Thursday, June 28, 2012

Shattered Snowflakes

Crackling on the fringe of breaking
Can not think of all the misplaced messages taking
Tangents like breaks in the pavement
Fissures for speed bumps, caverns for back shoves

Like missiles launched from behind, exploding at my weakest time
My shields are drained so low the slightest blow could knock me out
For the longest count of days mixed up in this vision of
White bread ignorance red blood bled over skin

Like vampire tears off huddled in some sequestered corner
Abandoning sunlight for starvation of a core wasting away
Day after day of mirror-only sight, explanations
Shivering for daylight like some medicine of afterthoughts

Bottled up in a winery for soured grapes and maple leaves
Maybe December is coming and I don’t want the trees
To shed their clothing standing naked for all to see
Pale sap dripping from an aperture sticky and as open as
The naked city bustling with faces like snowflakes coming

With the light attached like burned up match sticks
All taken up, stories told and strewn about
The sidewalk like pick up sticks in red, blue and green
From frosted faces sticking up my scene

Where can I have a side to state my peace within the crease?
Of shedding leaves rumbling with tumble-weed speed
Bowling balls of clogged up emotional drain pipes
Flung like Rochambeau finding logic in the inane
Is this any way to live like a fortress in Maine?

With icicles growing like whiskers on the border of my home
Trickling for questions to try on new outfits for skinny dipping in thirty below
Exposed like shattered crystals scattered across the sidewalk
Frost broken for heated steps and back tracking regrets

Of knowing there is no knowing of all the traps of spring secretly growing
Of ice-cold roots and stolen bamboo forests where pandas broke through
To run around the back yard like super heroes on patrol in magic unfurled
Like a flag of then and now and I don’t know how
To make a painted bear fly with her and I, to tell her

I can not make it change and Anna begins to see
This fractured part of me trying to hang on by the threads
Of ripped clothing just to pray it mends
Moving me like a satellite of what I might

Have been and then it disappears with the rotation
And I can not mention the turning planet like a magnet of attrition
It is coming and I can not replace what is missing
Only add to a difference that no one wants except the Mrs.

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