Wednesday, June 20, 2012



Personalities like catalogs
Ordered by number and letter
With photographs of every option
Frozen in time and perfect pose

Without return policy, size exchange
Or second thought, the permanence
In the selection and I am wary of
Staying in the same section

To find my way through the universe
To uncover the same stale dirt road
Would crack my back into a debilitating traction
Inherent in the process of walking is the ramification of paralysis

These busy bees, does she have time for me?
And why? what is in her life?
To be a satellite or the planet,
Every object has gravity, but at what size is it measurable?

To pull out the telescope in reverse
To see what I am pulling towards me
The differences between personality and activities
Yet wary

Above all I want to be wanted, to be needed
To be counted upon in both body and emotional
Beams in the construction of something greater than myself
And if with sufficient exposure can not be that to her

Then I must enact my own dismissal
Despite the pains of rebirth
And yet to know the difference
I must respect myself enough to make her

Earn my attention and affection
To not project perfection or a pedestal onto her
Because in that she can only feel the pressure of
Inevitable disappointment

I must be patient in my own feelings
So that the tendrils of her reciprocation
Can find root in a mutual speed of growth
And to do that

I need a speedometer, a gauge of desire
Predicated on what can not be lived with out
Given the increasing known’s and that can
Only be read face to face

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