Thursday, June 28, 2012

Gut decision

When all instincts say to lay down, my compulsions rise
Like a drug addict’s demons praying for solace in the escape
Of irrational action trying to find a gap in this hedge maze
To find ruination just off the grip of my potential

To pull it in like a teddy bear of days and nights
Recreating infancy in clutched uncertainty
Wanting to find ration like a lion knowing the lioness does all the hunting
Yet championing such regality in uncensored movements

Knowing I am the king of nothing, not even the rain
Guessing in seconds, triples and pellets falling in staples
Bursting into discontent of disconnect
Hopelessness like a welcome mat shown like the words
Communicated after work each evening

All I ever see is what comes out of me
Sides like tender holds wanting my innards to explode
Leach upon the floor like the excreted nonsense
Contained with in could begin to exit my system

Forever, change the oil of a body, put something more proficient in
Or at least a one in a thousand days, held at never
Feeling as ugly and unlovable as God’s unanswered prayers
Falling back into the hearts of cowards banking on hope

Fishing in despair, make a life in the lottery of free will
Knowing misconception is the rationalization that pays the bills
To keep myself from stating the obvious, that no one ever will
Change the map of this, the kraken cracked the ship but it was already over with

No memories, nothing pure, empty before the ghosts floated ashore
Swim, drift, row, which ever, the indifference cascades in a parade
Of the men I will never be, brave or needed or the focus of the enemy
Just left idle, alone and unaddressed, Captain of a raft of one and the sum
Of double negative one slumped and wondering

If there is one thing anyone remembers about me and smiles as if they could take it like
A wish list stored under a pillow to keep it close to their dreams
As if I would ever show up some place and mean more to them then
They did to me, this December is never ending and
I can’t help but keep pretending there is an answer searching for my question
Asking, Asking and knowing no one has ever mentioned

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