Thursday, June 28, 2012



Hope like a hand grenade
Hold it in and build it up
Questioning the room I have inside to hold
Questioning the strength of cell walls not to explode

Stretched thin, opening in the skin
A hernia begins to separate the tissues
Slipping through the seams of empty and extreme
Limitations my faith can hold hope like
Fresh water in my hands, slipping through fingers

Sealed in plans to carry from an oasis to a dying friend
A desert away and a thousand sand prints in
Wanting to and not knowing you
Wanting me and not being able to see

If I am strong enough yet to stare into the sun
And not come back blind to all this life in front of me
Seeing only the black of all that is behind me
A carcass in the sand and trying to grow tendrils
To reach, twirl and dance into this air

Praying for capture in the passion of hope
Praying the doubt does not make this savior explode

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