Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Searching in Specifics

Searching in Specifics

All these complications shroud
What I am looking for, as if there was a single definition
Resting there in a shopping cart waiting to be strolled out
A retail marketplace with an exchange transaction

Inherent simplicities and all the other specificities
Will fall to the side if the center abides
Primary desire to want me to see me for who I am
And stand up and say I am the type of man
She is willing to pay

A commensurate amount of choice to prioritize
So tired of being trivialized in a corner of want
Of an honorable mention conciliation prize
The bystander of my own life

With so little required reciprocation to maintain my attention
My zest to love burns in a poet’s tale
Filtering little and bombarding in layers
To know one speed all in to see what happens

Accelerator and missing brakes and so afraid
Of crashing what is at stake, with these horse blinders
Running for a kindness in holding that valued my sincerity
That saw the mixture of innocence and fortitude

Dedication and patient attitude to breath calmly at the ready
Always hold her hand steady through all of life’s storms
To look in her eyes and know that she is adored
For every thing she appreciates me for I am adorned

With the greatest gift a man can receive
Appreciation for being the one to meet her needs
In softness and openness and vulnerability to closeness
That she is the flower to my seed, to see her bloom all over me

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