Monday, June 25, 2012

Training a Companion Dog

Training a Companion Dog

Standing here plain like the feeling of a seven year old
Seeing the dog he was petting knock over his ice cream cone
Lick it up off the concrete in vanilla display
Abandoning innocence for blame
Beautiful creatures can manipulate
And become the bitch licking up lunch money spent recklessly

If only given the chance, chomp the life right out
Pin it up on her wall in a pirouette prize
To dance in front of and carry the lies
Of who you were in private performances
One becomes the monster, the other the child on top of the bed
Closing her eyes and burying a head

In an inverted ostrich diagram, three feet in the ground
No ears are listening only sounds of this was, and this is
How it was, if I say it enough, I will believe and so might the judge
String up and slay out, convince the town what the story was about

Calcify, get me up on that stand and testify me
In hardened words and speech, made firm
Brought upon by circumstance, by the mistake of
Her being given the chance,
To take lunch money in vanilla display,
To take my child in a string of the actress on stage

Standing plain like the feeling of a thirty-year old
Seeing the dog he was feeding bite his stretched hand
Eyes for the street and threaten his stance
With a growl and a pounce no longer the man
As her teeth gnash his clothes, his muscle, his plans

Shredded to blood and he can’t find the strength to fight back
Should have had the collar from the beginning
By demanding that this love is not free
Choke out and be firm in voice and command
That there are lines being crossed

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