Thursday, June 28, 2012

Rejected Sentiment

Rejected Sentiment

Rejection like a counterweight expelled
No longer a ball and chain boot to trudge
Through the spasm of wondering what will happen

Festering conjecture of all that bleeds and levers
Clean like simple cream splashed on and lapped up
Soup of this cramped chicken coup

Can break apart and stumble to pieces
Because I must leave this heap of questions
Back under some replacement floor of lessons
Tiled down in flipped frowns to know

This may work and I will go or it may not and I will show
A sense of independent bliss to grow on from this
It is not about opportunity, but opportunity for others
To balance in fashion build a new and crash them

Behind like bowling pins rejection catapulting into
Separate bins of discarded lessons
Harmless like puppies or kittens kenneled up
And purring for sympathy, but no matter how familiar
I know my enemy

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