Thursday, June 28, 2012

Blue eyes and blue skies

Your face wafts like morning blades cradling dew
While running in the park on a Saturday morning
Waiting for days adventures, hillsides and palisades leaped

For no other reason than to see the actions of parallel universes
Commencing beyond visual representations
The smell of auburn zeal on an outlook unpeeled,
Dunking life on a malachite of natural hands and indigo eyes growing in fruition
Of a transparent mission honest as an ambition

Walking in pace to hear my name in novelty,
Hold for a pause and interest like an adjacent clause to the story of all that was ever said was somehow moving on lips of apple red promised for simplicity with all the momentum of a whirlwind of here to Hawaii and all the smiles of New York skylines

Blended and some how sent with a classic grip of Otis Redding and fumbling towards Grace in lines extended appearing without exertion on the flex of a metatarsal
Set to flight in a pledge liberated in exuberant sunshine unfolding in disguised effort

Icarus hoping with tepid wax joyous of possibility on the fringe of the sunset
Crafting tonight into a memory stashed away in shoe boxes with love letters
Scripted on sage blunders discovered like fingertips on the small of a back
Making circles of movement undulating in rhythm of undertones
Like drum beats of cracking open the yolk of feeling alive once again

After three hundred more days of flaccid white stark and plastic plight
Mailed out rent envelopes of stashed away stasis and stale carpet rug burns
The yellow movement jolts the senses like fresh citrus to the nostrils
Cayenne to the tongue and reverberating opening timpani overtures
To pinball attention in my bones with the startling reminders of possibility

That the chatter of squirrels could be silenced by the prance of the fawn
In lines extended of exquisite movement above the fuzz of clustered myopic fixation
On the time and placement of the flashes of the idiot boxes next apparition
To disguise a life magnanimous in earnest pursuit of beauty in delicate application

Through the intrinsic language of identity revealed in purpose and relaxation
Of the gates of hardened defenses with lances withdrawn as armored dances end
To cease the pomp and pass the lager, raise the heel and become the talker of tales
Of loves lost and swindled from courage unearthed and fires kindled

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