Thursday, June 28, 2012

Ants Marching

Ants Marching

Pretending I do not expect to sustain this loneliness
Like a fractured ankle to my pace and stride bending and grinding bone on bone
Realizing the alternative will end up in the stare down
With retribution like loaded ammunition fired off in household maintenance

Must do’s and rationalizations stored under stair board compartments
Pressed down and glued with instructions
Mapped out on pressed down no popcorn ceilings
Perfectly molded tinted and primed the colors clearly in line

Red next to white not overlapped predictable metrics
Stacks of cook books and measures, recipes written
Cat food set out cans waiting to be dispensed
Every morning in a murmured routine of all the flavors that will ever be

Coagulated tuna and salmon on tin, preserved tastes
Buried within the incorrect answer given and accepted without question
Or worry that all of this was granted in too big a hurry to
Follow up queries lingering on door steps knocking and abandoned

No more listening for the salesmen trying to remind us
About true love and fantasies about unicorns and legends of champions
Of fantastic times and gilded lives, played out and prancing
With questions we should have been answering

Compacted into perfect conclusions despite these blinded illusions
Ants marching right into the grease fire, burning alive with the smell in the feelers
Tapping the Earth for a different path, the tread heating up six legs and two lives
With one heart and tender lies

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