Wednesday, June 20, 2012

At the Table

At the Table

I have written you and yet
I can not write to you now
I can not explain this upwelling
The water behind the dam

The rivers of the days before Thursday
The lines for ice in apocalyptic summers
The memo notebooks for ski jumping and a way in
Dance floor confessionals and green dresses

All of this is scripted like hieroglyphics of timing
Of tales not yet told in wait like slumbering bears
For circumstantial hibernations
Wanting you to know my all of everything

Yet wanting to speak of all things new
With time to see you smile at me plainly
To list the names of your closest friends
Like the letters of the alphabet

Parading effortlessly across my tongue
To see your grade school years in my cortex
Visualized in the extravagance of your retained
Conjectures cementing your civility like road maps
Of how you got to me

Growing like water side irises violet
With a spark of a sun’s kiss, knowing the inevitable
Summer droughts and winter’s hardest freezes
Gripping you in temporal cells of isolation in year’s past

These hardships and beauty unfolding of this world
Around you there on the bank with my ignorance
To your existence shrouded in an oblivion of hope
To your name, path, or petal, resting there in root

Dreaming and moving, skiing and blooming
Spring upon summer all in the glimmer
Of seasons I want to learn like a periodic table
Un-abbreviated into an algebraic masterpiece

Unconfined by logic alone, mapped out in a muse
Of parallel imperfection gracing upon a phrase
I dare not utter to you now
For fear of startling you into entering me into a contest
For Quasimodo out on parade to Esmeralda’s judgments
Hope like a pill, blind and bartering between placebo and panacea
To sit at the table and choose between the poison and wine
The color the taste are so much alike, at the table alone
Choosing to drink

In the provocative nature of premature discourse
Unjust to you or I to find solid ground on the movement of these banks
Toward each other yet so much still unknown in the blind eternities of corners
Not yet turned and peeked and sheltering the peace

And my will babbles on that river before Thursday
Mathematically computing the scientific output
Of a current that has produced
This much magnetized inertia reverberating
Through my core in an electric drum beat

And the reservations have set the explosives
To blow the dam and let nature bear her jurisdiction
Naked in front of you without remorse of the bones
Floating upon the surface, marrow cored and
Fractures like road-maps of my every sensitivity

Praying I can uncover the patience for the wine
For the time to riddle the aroma
And you secure enough for the fallout of the explosion’s wake
Praying for you to unleash your own to me

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