Thursday, June 28, 2012

Parachute Cockroach

Parachute Cockroach

A cacophony of failure bellowing from every ledge
Of ceiling molding perfectly level and every molecule
Descending from its plateau is a horror of decibels
Infiltrating the parameters in a block of denial
To every pursuit, to rebuff the notion of the parachute working

Or these cardboard moth wings moving with enough speed to conjure lift
And slow down this descent into a quagmire of losing
Of these loose strings unspooling from the bungee line
To let out the excess and ugly faces find
The floor a bite like an elephant into the wood

Cockroach can not broach the subject of success
Without a hand hammer pounding down to smash
The last hope of climbing back up to that space
On high where somehow the animal in me is still alive

To attempt again and not eat the pavement
Bloody these cheeks on asphalt or tile and join the cult
Of zero victories in a million attempts, closing in on records
And theories of what can not occur of who will survive
When all is taken and there is no shelter or line

That opposing forces have not crossed to object
To hope like a rusted shield bursting in red oxides
Fluttering in suffocating dust impaling the will to continue
With stabbing corroded blows to ensure failure’s permanence

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