Saturday, June 23, 2012

Repetition out of remission

Repetition out of remission

Thoughts keep circling with possible ending
Blood keeps pumping and eyes are open and dreaming
Of all these extending answers hanging on the fringes
Of all these missing lists of names I have called

Out and shed out and trailed off
Anything is possible and I try not to trip off the ugliness
Sitting on the doorstep waiting to be let in the house
And I stand with blind eyes and a baseball bat
In my back pocket holding for a battle

I try to forget that it could all be over with
In one night, hoping to build from here
In the corners of a place I wish to stay
In the heathers of hair that I could find
A blanket of illusion solidified

For more than this just one time
A new start outside this imagination
Cold and still in the forest night
Kissing more than the thrill
Of open chills that this is here

And knowing it will go on
Beyond a syllable ringing to let out of class
That repetition is out of remission
And the chance, has a chance to last

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