Thursday, June 28, 2012

Piñatas and Pancakes

The recollections fragment in splinters of marble veins
Cracking out and filling up with seeping gray liquid
The kind I assume surrounds my cerebellum
Sloshing about my cranial cavity insulating

My memories like a warm bath a parent draws for his child
At the age of six or the yellow soup dispensed at
Lunch time when a kid stays home from school
Because sinuses have worked over time
Desperate attempt to avoid elementary evaluation examinations

The memories stack in flap jacks on a plate
Soggy on the bottom and hardened as they rise
Despite their more recent creation, are never as
Preserved with such spongy syrup texture as those
From the beginning filtered from laborious bacteria
Pouring concrete and malaise upon cookie cutter days

Yet the thoughts of you and I are crackled
Bitter into bits of flake and pod like crumbs
Scattered across floor boards
I can not recall a moment I am certain that you ever loved me

As if the most certain thought in my pantheon of collected
Trinket recollections is now vapidly absent
How did we connect to build a home or a covenant?

Promises like confetti blasted from a piñata
With such zeal for you in their destruction over coating
The reality of the empty remainder for me
Swaying there from twine in the belly of a gutted burro

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