Thursday, June 28, 2012


Fourteen stands like an obelisk, mounted and towering
An inverted pyramid of burgeoning days of intersected angled lines
Expanding in opposing directions sixty degrees
In equitable divergence of new found land days
Wetting beaches as novel for numb pilgrim legs

Glances and looks, lottery tickets cashed across classrooms
Chalk boards and non-parental chauffeurs motoring about
With hymns of rebellion, sex, and recompense
In wait for pubescent mistakes lingering in the background
Of uncensored sounds making their rounds

Into afterthoughts magnetized and remembered in years lost
Antiheroic and puissant, potent and crucial that
Every sight, smell, sign from there to here
Stacks up in that inverted pyramid magnified like an exponent of then

Where every new sense no matter the year will filter through that angle
First, remembered always, the fog of the middle, but the beginning is so clear
Of all the love, the purpose of life flicked the flint in those days and nights
Sparks of start, the flames of heart set afire into pyres of years

Of all our loves and greatest fears exemplified smoldering down to die
Like pole vaulting up a ladder of Fahrenheit the flame will never
Streak as high on those Technicolor lives

Fourteen years and the colors change, spring has come and
Pheromones rage, car crashes looming and reading the next page
Of story books parents avert the eyes and now children can look

Without being explained why just diving in with barracuda swims
Floundering limbs flailing in choppy waters
Grabbing breaths in the undulating quarters of time where peace
Escapes into your soul in parceled flotation devices of control

Tossed out like Mardi Gras cups to the beautiful, the athletic and gregarious
The parade, the crowd thirsts to share in praying for fresh water
And not the salt spit out and thrust into the cult of vagabonds
And castrated masses sitting out staring at the prized ponies prancing

Inside the fences drinking from the well and the sun’s smell of
Peaches and cream skin and the secrets blooming in
The eyes of colts bucking and setting the trends and living in

Fourteen and on the scene to Sixteen, Twenty one and the fun is shattered in the ladder
Getting there and the patter of hallways has dissipated from an ocean into a trickle
And where have the vagabonds walked beyond the cripples
Seen the scars of every living fish, the hook marks and busted lips
All the same, with all the scales scrapped and raped as childhood abates

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