Thursday, June 28, 2012

Package on your Doorstep

Package on your Doorstep

I want to speak a life’s story in a whisper
Without discernable syllable or length
Just an inserted pebble of a memory to deposit in your thoughts
Like a bread crumb for you to find uncovered beneath a toadstool of time

Shifting over for your inspection as if always there and now exposed
Discovered and aroused suspicion has fostered a collision
Between our paths laid out like railroad tracks years ago
But only now exposed as a considered method of traveling
Between you and I

The task of explaining and refraining from burying any chance of us
Under my spider web concerns is exhausting at the front
Like a package left on a door step with a labyrinth of instructions
That I pray upon patience for Cinderella to read

And I want to erase and chase someone asking me to read their own
Inklings of a parallel path like a road map of all of that
Matters in the crux of time of a her and I

Are now afterthoughts despite all the scribbling it is better off living
In a now of how all these colors sprinkled outside the lines of these pages
Blue on a rainbow of where I can go and so undefined
In mind that pebble was just an appetizer of the life her
And I could confide of conversations alive

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