Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Effort Expended

Effort Expended

Overtures in preparation,
Planned out thoughts and trepidation
To acknowledge effort expended
In singular movements of implicated want

For you to reciprocate a profession of desire
In my practices to ask you to enter my home
In a jut of a movement I do not know if you were prepared for
To balance out these scales of privation and exaltation

From my waterfall words and your faucet-drip responses
For the opportunity to get to know you
In a barter of pressure points outside the locus of my control
Like verbal acupuncture so careful to select the exact location of our discourse

Hungry for your verbalized want
Aloud with reinforcing body movements
Constantly reminding myself of the precedents and ground work
Of identity compositions I have written on that sofa

Like a backdrop of soaking in immaterial things
To your consciousness, that in your discretion
Could fall by the wayside of my discarded fears
Wanting to Ferrari past that and drown

Hearing my ovations as sweet as normal in a marking point
Of distance, a mandatory overture of appreciation, yet tainted
With fear that you are not ready for such kindnesses
That you are still so unsure whether you could ever pull

Knowing you will break me in two, in only a measure of time
Outside of my determination

Or as I have the audacity of hope to want
Actual measurements of wow, that a man wants you in his life
And is thankful for your presence in what he hopes to be continued
Beyond this evening, that these gestures are not taken as weakness
But as a strength in how future treatment may perpetuate
These salvos that you were hoping would one day come

I do not wish to be looked down upon, but into and with
That which is the center of your soul like a grappling hook
To connect that which most matters

And I fear for how willing I am to profess,
I do not wish to pursue other options

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