Monday, June 25, 2012

War Stories

War Stories

I don’t know how to explain to you
What it means to have my simple question
And attempts at communication ignored
Without coming across as a either a
Lunatic, desperate, lonely, or weird

I respect your choice to pursue other avenues
Disappointing as it may be
For my personal opportunity to meet you
Without a mutual desire there is no stage for progression

Independent and non contingent are the burdens
And frailties of my own hope
Seeking sunlight like budding branches
Burnt in seasons past, transplanted here

How do I explain to you a story
You are not interested to hear
Out of some gray thought that
I don’t want it in me

There is no point in mentioning of bringing
My burden, it must be extracted from all these stories
And presentations, it damns me twice
This bastard yearning to explain

A war that was not my choosing
A stab wound I can cover and stitch
I can not ask her to be my Jesus
Unfair burdens that will leave me naked with

Nothing but scars, alone behind self made bars
That this war became my prison of memories
I can not escape, I must do it on my own
I must step out, and leave my uniform behind

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