Thursday, June 28, 2012

Three Steps

Three Steps

Three steps in to a trail with cluttered roots and
Untrimmed bows ducking down and head around
For time to take three steps, to move a bit
In leaves and strips of time growing over

Mud soaked lines, feet are sore, hands are numb
Toes are wet, the road is no where near done
Carving out these three steps, make them now
With so much left to parcel

Move my body into a place, easy for others
But not for me, to greet this air some others
Could just put one foot in front and see

Bedroom doors and rocky crags
Blockades of seventeen still there at thirty
Wishing for simple and only getting shards of glass
In each footprint and connected to a pace that will
Make this place a decade for a single ankle
To turn the corner of the morning

Still not sure if this leg is going to make this journey break
Into three steps more than I have ever had before
To move from here to there but the kudzu is grown
The vines are sewn across the opening like a stitch of a mask
That frightens and blasts an expression that I am not meant to ever pass
Yawning in anger as the time slips the smile of a stranger into teeth gnashing

Confrontational at the concept of me passing, Freedom in doubt
Eternal in border that no matter the year there is an order
And in that I am single, I am spaced alone
Three steps behind growing older just over there

Never closer, remain bare and naked standing wretched
Marked tattooed at the flood of the sun’s spot light through the canopy

I am to plant there within me, silent and brooding
These moments are consuming places, I shall never proceed
I wait like a castrated plate resting on a countertop
Empty but for the flesh around a seed gone to rot

Picked from a tree beyond my reach given to numb digits
Incapable of gripping, a mouth gagged and dripping
Inside with salvia dried out in the drama, witnessing a slow motion movie

Of a nectarine slowly consuming itself in a bacteria bath to blacken and spread
The red into darkness cast, feeble and frail, withered and stale, futile to move
In this straight jacket life, three steps too many in this trodden down plight

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