Monday, June 25, 2012

Salmon Heading Back to the Beaches

Salmon Heading Back to the Beaches

I am praying out here for you to hear me
For the angels of these silences to carry my words
Into your ears like pleas for help that do not unveil my desperation
But how could they when hope has strangled me again

To deposit a measure of faith into a bank of an unknown you
To be a reason to keep going, a reason that all this has occurred
As if logic ever impeded the way of blind reality
Trudging on parade that litters and leaves what she pleases

Obliterate my dignity, yet I need it to sustain viewership
Knowing I cannot overcome the roadblock of disinterest
In blazing motor-cross jumping salvos to harbor attention
In the wings of these poetic birds dying limp in a puff of feathers

Scorched into the towering lights of another night passing
Without water to squelch their incendiary wings
Flapping half intact like a last gasp salmon fin
Gasping for its salty-known to return back to poisonous normality

Of all the other fish and how they swim chunks of flesh falling out
Not from cancer, but from a body on a kamikaze mission
Simply for the opportunity to relate to a relatable organism
Salmon up river pulsing to breath in fresh water shallows

And follow through and ask and receive responses in timely fashions
All of these expectations have never been planted
I can feel the worms crawling backwards through time
To twist into a soil, to aerate and allow for growth but

Old sea water keeps pouring in and I can not stop it
Just go back to this ocean and die in lumps
Of sinew as it drops from my bones
Worms suicide in the sun when it rains rather than drown in the dirt

I am alien and was not meant to feel the kindness of a passing palm
This charade has come to betting all my chips
On her and losing everything in that charcoal and I am
Further back, scarred and scorched into a devil’s salted earth

Pariah to the marketplace and break the face of mirror stares
To greet me here and carry every grain of sand from every beach
To the tallest mountain beyond the longest street
To reach you there in hope of you holding me in shelter

From this old hurricane and drought weather, pelting and melting me
Into this man so alone falling through the seams, praying for a body of peace
For you to hear me

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