Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Setting Sail

Setting Sail

I want to set sail and go set the pace to know
The outcome is now in the back-pocket of these jeans
In my dresser drawer to put them on and now it is there
Like a crutch to travel, a passport to all these sunsets

Setting each day that keep on clipping the sides of the hull
Like a camera lens grabbing what I can confide in
Sailing clean, waters sway and all the means
Of a man with overboard plans

Don’t want to think because it just reminds me of the times
When I will need to blink and the flash of cashed in
Memories will hit the casino’s pay out that the lottery has worn out
The winnings that were giving have dissipated in the life that was legislated

On a ploy of an imaginary outcome that never happens
These worry rings like necklaces in blue dresses and black jackets
Each season gone and I have not grabbed it
To keep in a keep-sake box, no there is no use for a combination lock

On these days they will surely swirl away on a wind of words
That I can not send in a saying, can not keep for a landing
Because they are just mine to keep for my time, giving is useless
With out a return, and I have learned to keep them trapped

And melting on the sidewalks of what I can handle
Inside my own fruition like ice cream cones spilled and sizzling
They may sound and appear sweat but all they are is a mess
I would have to keep living in the wiping away of that I should never say

Because there is a port and an island and peace of sands that you will reside in
Beyond these accoutrements of iced-down sentience mapped out making sense
Only to me to one day see love like a fluttering plover tiny and turned over
In the gust of these winds and I will send a message tied to an ankle

Of all these guesses and staples of my nature to try and salvage the relation
Of all these words to find a station to land and explain that all
I ever wanted was for you to call me by name and let’s sail away
Untie the dock and exit the space of knowing whether or not

Certainty was mandatory because, no one knows the end of this story
And I could empty these pockets into the sea, never reading these buried parts in me
To question or find a resolution beyond my own present time
That you are here and so we sail on

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