Thursday, June 28, 2012

Acid Test

Acid Test

Acidic touch with scale shed hands
Fallibility like an overcoat, splashed and sprayed on
Bath me, dip me in this mix of rodent, reptile, not worth while
What options do I have, just silence and a ban
From ever trying to make a request

Rejected in every semblance of a hope
Escaping misunderstandings I keep making
Out into this gaseous-form figure shaping in her mind
Why can’t I seem respectively normal anytime?
Morph me into an adolescent to relearn the management
Of normal discourse, words make it worse

Lie to myself about timelines and readiness and all I get is a cloud
Of forgetfulness to hope to consume like Alice with the cakes
To grow too large and ignore my mistakes
But I am always small and the memories are what stay tall

Why can’t I run and touch something genuine?
Out there so erudite out there dodging my sight
Walled away and so I say this is all the game
I know squawk and walk and it funnels down the pot
Skin still burns, scar so fresh that trying seems like the thousandth failed test

Loser on the turn awaiting another answer and it slices in to a corpse
Mash this flesh, no matter the depth
Just a zombie walking this space, numbed myself to ignore the dates
And times and lines, I have tried to utter and found

The mismatch waiting to discover that in some past life I was a hell of a bastard
This redub is a reciprocated conversation in chemical reactions
To those broken factions of people I once left behind
Now I am one, ignorant to why just scaled up
With these useless limbs incapable of gripping the right way to live

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