Thursday, June 28, 2012



Pole dancer on the town hall roof, come and watch the
Empress with no clothes stripping and pimping
Colors she assumes like a rainbow descended on her pot of gold
Sparkling as she wrinkles the bold and bare silence
Like an overcoat of assumption of perfection
Bolt out verdicts like Zeus singe on the sins in rods to dismiss
Blame like absolvent with a no sense in a vagina
The path of such drama mouthing out what shall and shall not be

Stand up for myself and get the F off of me
Quit acting like I am the one who lied
Quit acting like you were the one who cried
Quit acting like you have ever been in love
That would require you to be mortal
To need another human for comfort or support
To assume you could not bolt the life out of this
Edifice to carve your perfect face

Ugly as sins, ugly with the fringe of a Disney Witch consumed
Complete with the power to commit perjury guilt free
Stand in pink pimp power suit and condemn me
For your high and mighty, the worst kind of problem
The one you have to solve and no body sees through the columns
Of bars she put up to keep the concern for her strikes to down love
From coming close imprison me but segregate yourself
From human emotion and into a prejudicial hell

I see the sentence in time and I will keep walking the line
Ignoring you when I can finally take this knife off my throat from the threat of you
Stealing my independence and after you failed to take our child in days and
Forced her into a decade long maze to see through the hedges to
See who you really are and when she comes out how will you deal with her?
Questions she has finally found the maturity to ask?

What will you say when she knows that Zeus with her vagina full of busted testicles
Was the one to blast her life into shrapnel for no reason, but
Unspoken, who didn’t have to stay but should not have had to rage
A war on her father who you tried to erase and what will you say
When she finally speaks and causes your silence to bleed

There like a wound you tried to keep under bandage, locked in a closet
To put on the visage of perfection the God of mythic proportions
Up there with the lightning and the biting at each day like food for the one day
You go down to that jail of the lies you have constructed for yourself
Truth is the only way out the key you threw away, high on yourself
Pride of idolatry your internal mistake

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