Thursday, June 28, 2012


I wish I had the right words
But I keep on fumbling, stumbling over hills
Like missing hundred dollar bank notes
I pass out my pocket

Like leaves from a tree in fall
Waiting for a winter that wants to answer autumn’s bellows
Snow balls melting in my hands
Is there anything I could give you that matters?

Dissipating candle light and all the things I thought we might
One day get to talk about, but my thoughts choke on doubt
That my actions subtract on contact
In accumulating error of consonants and vowels
Ringing out like drenched towels of miscalculated syllables
Plopping against the floor in an alphabet soup of chocked out wrong doing

I tend to impersonate a solid citizen for moments at a time, but
Somehow slip into the inebriated habits of a sober troglodyte
Kicking over tin cans filled with diamonds bowling down sewer grates
And using lottery tickets to wipe at fissures in the dyke
Wet with seepage with hands praying in mutters
Just one homonym away from the exact speech of the proper incantation
To summon my savior.

My city crumbling carrying this back pack of lead
Rising with cauliflower ears concave in centimeter away satellite dishes
Just out of reception azimuth or degree of sincerity to hear the percentage
Of bantered conversation that would allow me the intro to play
The magnetized cello concerto to draw your attention in a tractor beam
Of rhythm and dexterity where you do not collapse in a cacophony of laughter

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