Saturday, June 23, 2012



You have a north and I have a south
And we are magnetized
You have an east and I have a west
And we will meet in the middle

Bodies moving in concert and pulling in possibilities
Like road maps and compasses thrown on the table
Spun to point magnetic and polarized
To take every option in and monopolize

Every avenue to get there in flesh pounds
Of equal measure and always together
Melded and meeting and the brain
Finds its own meaning, out in the reaching

The endorphins have hit a sky-rise
The dopamine is within the means
Of your fingers across my cheek
The serotonin has moved and grown in
The cracks of all that I have ever lacked

Has fallen in the seams of your
Green eyes seeping and the
Adrenaline swells have kept me from sleeping
Percolated by the consciousness of you

Out there existing crystallized and listening
To my words on the air like homing pigeons
Finding their snare in the nape window on your neck
To settle there in the heathers of your hair and forget

All this moving like Michelangelo on the ceiling
Of your bedroom watching what God has moved
Into my life and so scared because everything feels too right
To see your face like a beacon and have all of this leaking

Over my skin like a blanket that held so much in
To want and to have a chance to give these pieces
A passage to rest in the simple caress of a wanting
In wait, a wanting quickening her pace

To be more of my day and a tempo to my nights
The drum beat that will keep me more than sleeping alive
Through weekday expanses and
That life really does make second chances
Struck there like an afterthought that some how the stones
Movement paused in a jut, a small budge on this love
That electrons contracting that atoms bombarded on tapping
The passing of the memory of what I will be to you
Is escaping the control of what I never knew

In faith to find a direction and find the place
In the center of days that cut exits in the hedge of this maze
With a hand in a hand walking and that this was the plan
Somehow I know

You have a south and I have a north
And we will meet in the middle
You have a west and I have an east
And we are magnetized

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