Saturday, June 23, 2012

To Proceed

To Proceed

A night like a paramour reformed
To bend the rules of norm and expected
Of traditional circumstance regulated
Out into a sentence

Of wanting more than these scenes
To trickle out and babble about
On footsteps and cornered angles
Of a single dinner table

Rounded in hand to expand
The limitations of discourse
From history into a present
Expectation of continuation

Between wanting and knowing
That mine is a place you wish
To keep coming
To read your soul in the crest of your cheek

Blooming in blush like a sign on the street
Of which way to go, to proceed
To take your hand like a teenage dream
Renegade love song streaking

With the windows down and the music out loud
That there is a boy and a girl moving towards
Nothing but more, not sure of the answers, but one
That theirs is an adjoined place to come

Up with any of the pieces
Scattered in floor boards or creases
In the fabrics, bits of air in the static
Nature of the working world

To fill these gaps with a heart unfurled
Like a magnetized boy to a magnetized girl
Nature on chemistry and the basics in brevity
Of conversing, to say without saying

All the lessons worth learning
Are coming and swirling
In the speed to proceed
Without caution

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