Thursday, June 28, 2012

Letters to the wind

Letters to the wind carried out like parchments on the ankles of owls
Racing for the sunrise to whisper in sentiments like fairies in her ears
To guide dreams with the thoughts of flower petals pollinated
Prayed out truths could uncover consequence in response

Which once stirred in either resolute direction would either execute
My hopes like razorblades performing morning duties or
Open waterfalls from damnation uncorked and spouting fervor to the
Valleys and grasslands below to germinate and explode in

Shadows of new life extrapolating upon a logarithm of what could be
And desperation looms like a murder flocking in the sky
Lathering to peck at my exposed flesh rotting out in wait
For word that never returns that another overture was released and

This parade of silence keeps on marching with stick-less drummers and
Maimed guitar players strumming string-less mandolins
Parched and famished gasping for contact
Chocking on isolation with dust on the tongue,

Holding services for a drop or the implication of the colored twinge
In the sky of a forming cloud a pink-hued sunset of an Indian dream
Dancing for rain pellets traded for sacrifices of years pilled up
Like buffalo carcasses stripped of every sinew and applied for every use

To maximize resources in this Mojave valley depleting with every syllable
Inked out and flown on the backs of elephant seals equipped with cupid extremities
Arrowless bows and dangling noses like shields
From avoiding potential for conversing in this wrinkled perception

Like one big tinted window crowded out in a car locked with the key
Sitting on the top of the right front Goodyear with a man in a straight jacket
Bobbing like a worm on the hook in the driver’s seat praying for someone to notice

His predicament like a Christmas robbery in a parking lot where
No one stops to stare and the twinkles of the season keep the
Speakers moving to a soundtrack muted out to all inside the car

Thirsting, thirsting, thirsting and hopes shaved as dawn approaches

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