Thursday, June 28, 2012

Envelope Lead Head

Smile like an envelope sitting on a counter
Ready to send off without a mailing address
Limp and creased blank in speech
Wondering the space to unleash like a

Whisper-silk emotion passing wrapped in white-paper loneliness
Stagnant and breaking for a set of fingertips
To grip the edges of transport and added ink a lick and a moving street
To the bags of jumbled expressions confused about the order

Of lettering and numbers mumbled with return to sender monologues
Repeated adnauseum in blind response
That words are read in blocks with only the first and last making contact
As if the insides don’t matter in the understanding of the extremities

And just looking around I can see where I stand
In face in stature and extrapolated back the path to here
Her letter known and crashes across my confidence

Like a tower tipping wrecking ball that I was nothing special
In looks, in soul in all of whole, and if not to here then who?
Who in this world could respond differently?
Paper like lead, moving like granite abandoned in head.

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