Monday, June 11, 2012

State of the Union: January 25, 2011

State of the Union: January 25, 2011

Will I ever harvest the time to script out the words
In all these transient cartoon bubbles bombarding
My brain like a punk rock show set to a falsetto tempo
All these brash savants on speed moderated out for modern needs

In parceled out modicums of what the crowd can handle
Or the crowd won’t come, sugar in the spin of what
Is comfortable to drink on in with the bitter taste of the medicine
Who we are and what, where and when the sins occurred

And the work day was unobserved for a festival or a holiday
Of absent labor out on parade to throw the clichés in the air
About how great and how fine and how desperate and how maligned
The rich and the poor and the class pitted wars of voting blocks

And mud on the walls of a congress locked in parlor tricks
And show and tell games of what they took and what they gained
At our expense and unleash political rhetoric labeled as wrath on how the problem is always answered with Empowerment of the powerful few who have a voice who is not you

Lobby fast and lobby rash for a contract and a contact and contribution
In the pockets backed by both sides and holy shit where is the golden prize?
A nation of multinational corporations only loosely headquartered
Willing to sell out the local Gov for a full time global love

In the bottom line the cents per share to get the holders from here to there
A foot farther down the line where is the loyalty in law and how is it defined?
Adam Smith bend the ear of these Keynesian politics
The problem is in the spending not the incentive to spend

Why can’t this nation get the nail through our God damned hands
To not reach for the purchase or the credit card to debt a future of our own plans?
To raise the mast on a victory of the future, climb on the high speed rail
Spin the spend and call it an investment: W was a Keynesian too my closet Republican friends?  Stimulus with a smile Obama love, there is only one answer and
it comes in the dove

Of an economic peace to squelch these wars, most people promised their cookie
Won’t get it to restore the stores, Who wants to say that?  Who wants to hear?
Who wants to pretend our big ideas can save us in this nation of a lied to youth
That you can be anything you want as long as you…? What get this degree on paper?
Did you learn how to think, for yourself, did you learn how to do or create?
Or did you pile up some debt for a job you can’t find for a thing America no longer makes? Did you learn how to struggle better than that Chinese counterpart for you?
Outnumbered three to one, willing to do for that American company
What you will not, just for the fun of avoiding true poverty to suck on the crap pipe
Of a lower middle class normality your nation took for granted as a dream plight

Who wants the tooth fairy not to come put that dollar under the pillow? 
Who wants to hear India and China gathering en masse to rise up as the new consumer nation our corporations want to pass, all our bells and whistles and pile up all our hopes for dollar dreams?  What happens when the dollar is no longer the means, we trade barrels of oil in and printing them out suddenly has realistic ramifications?

What do we do when we are paying seven dollars a gallon in this nation?
Will we freak or does that Chevy Volt come right in time or are we too late to remedy the concoctions of these political economic lies we’ve been living and nobody wants to strike up the truth that we are our country and we stole the loot

We secretly bet we could join the rich, like a monarch want to be that we could be one of those kids, if we just worked hard enough we could get a piece of the cake, and the punk show has let out and suddenly the foreclosed former homeowner wants to go bash in a face, of a faceless man in a Rorschach bank with a mysterious image in a depends the day I look at it place, do I hate you? Do I blame you?  Can I buy some more of your drugs? Can you give me a taste of that crack pipe debt love?

Inject it in and Obama you can say you care about deficit control, well Bush did too and isn’t he from the actual party that is supposed to want to take on that role? The problem is in the health care and entitlements, at least you came up with an idea, all the Republicans want to do is to tear down your house and go back to hoping the rabbit appears.  What, can’t you just champion your solution rather than spouting out hate?  No it is too easy a strategy to maintain this state

Of the Union of the people this country this punk show not worthy to be called punks
Because to do that they would have to live on the streets and smell what we smell and eat what we eat, the state of our union is weak upon weak, you can lie and say it is strong, this double dip depression is hitting in state after state like a throng of spend it out woe

That I pray rings the death knell tolling out the tone that enough is finally enough
Because the Fed can’t just print us out a stayed execution: Illinois, New Jersey, California
Harbingers of what is supposed to be coming to warn you of pile ‘em up prisons and state retirement programs of assistance promised in this promised land:

Are these contracts of the state mandatory for the human race?  Do they have them in China or India these economic candy lands our corporations are flocking too with drooling gaping maws?  Can’t you see these contracts are the nooses roping around our necks as I try to speak?  Why if social security taxes are labeled as a benefit by states, why did they create giant systems to opt out of them and foot us with the bill? 

Tweedle dee and Tweedle fucked can’t we see the cupboard was only full of drugs?
And now we ransacked it for our children’s sakes, oh wait we are the children living in these days, we are the self esteem get a cookie children who were given so much parental time, but were neglected more than any other line.  “We were pronounced strong when we were weak to avoid the true struggles that would have fed to our true strength.” “We were the indulged generation, abandoned to our meager devices.” And these are our doings and these are our vices of debt, of what true poverty means, of lifestyle expectations centered on greed.

Why do I get cards in the mail for my government to buy me a cell phone? A purchase card to buy processed crap masquerading as food at my Wal-Mart?  Permanent rental assistance including cable and twenty-four month unemployment benefits? Why are corporate tax loopholes like a byzantine labyrinth with multi-generational maps for hoarding?  Why is my emergency room my center of disease prevention?  Why does my school board pay more for longevity than ingenuity and rely on local talent?  How can we educate the next generation with what we already know for surely these are useless tools for their paradigm?

Why was it done that way before for us, for now, for God and the people save America and put on that brand new dress.

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