Wednesday, June 13, 2012



I do not wish for a totality of rationale or chapter conclusion
To all this confusion stitched in sense that precludes the appendage
Of a request for further clarification, just a human
A human who gets as much as she gives

From my presence in this space to live
Am I too selfish?  Am I scarred?  Is there a reason I am barred
From observing the high of this genius learning the curves
Of the bends of the teeth to chew into the bark of that forest

Growing up in roots I have been sawing through for so long now
I do not know what to make peace with and end this eternal
Self destruction like a novelty of continual re-construction
Roots asunder sliced in parcels and perpetual blunder

The lighting is perfect, the sound is coming like the bell of the morning
The blue December is calling the snow and every chance the corner
Is turning I go and fell the trunk like a rampaging drunk
Wandering the vagabond streets of midnight like a semicolon
On this run on sentence that will never end

And I never hear those bells ringing because all this silence
Just keeps on screaming like a quest to forget making out with
The wrong postal route addressed to a state where no one’s left
But mutinous pirates and I am the just a bystander to this riot

On the open seas writing to myself asking why am I so lost?
Ignoring the cost of never hearing the triumphant bells
Ending this for the seventh iteration to the story I retell
Truncated joy undulating between resignation and the brutality of hope

I just keep on sailing on this depleting boat of soap
Cleansing these waters and drowning me in increments
Knowing no savior is coming, no row boat is strumming
The waves of these seas to come and find me

With acoustic guitar strings in rhythm to the poetry of my means
To see me for human waxing erratic and blazing ecstatic
That the love of her sound has erupted like a volcanic island
Rising to the surface of the ocean, solid ground in saving the tragic

Truncation of this nation of two that could imbue so much love
If only the hand could put on the glove, but the body is staring
At the sun rays glaring down like misty veiled ropes ladder up
And the soap is so long dissipated from the deck of this frigate

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