Wednesday, June 13, 2012

What are We?

What are We?

So what are we?
Are we all I have to hold onto in this barrel roll?
Tumbling, knowing that there is no forever
In this conjoining, just a rumpus to say goodbye to in the morning

I look at you and I want to be loving and
There is a distance of truth between us that keeps us both running
Back to lines of singularity in the median between traversing the disparity
Between feeling close and feeling alone

I get granite and the thought of your magic
I pray for the emotion to dispatch the frantic
Elixir of hope that in you all this emotion could go ahead and emote
Like an ejaculation of all this Jekyll and Hyde frustration and elation

At the world and on the fringe of you
That you could be the canvas onto which I could imbue
My love like a trumpet and feather tail brush like a dove
The peace of which I fit like a glove

To your luminous soul eat like the apple and roll my tongue
Onto the red delicious rungs of the ladder to the rafters
Of the hay loft in which we could seclude these afternoons
Just you and I in undulation that there need not be all these other nations

Of commentary and attentions and novelties of places to maintain the stasis
Of what we each must do and we could offer each of us a place in our pavilion
Spend the life on pause and bathe the billions of stars out there likes starts
We get to repeat over and over as if we did not know how all of this would end

Suspend the disbelief in all the kudzu vines wrapping underneath
Tangling up all the assurances of why this is not what we really want
A bed of prickly sticks and eventually we get our fix and wake and the allergies consume
The rationale of why we each need another room

Sadness sways amidst the haze of halcyon lights in sex-crazed days
Fire in the dire maze of green and blue eyed rocket rides
I love you and I do not and I love you and I want more than I have got
How do I handle what we are?  How do I know just how far,

We can go before breaking a moving part and being further back than the start?

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