Saturday, June 16, 2012

Tree Rings

Tree Rings

Chasing apparitions of bastard days
Jangling chains in hallways ringing out towels of plastic names
Dumb faces erase and at dusk, keep etching a place
Like a lighting bug outline on the fringe of the same

Stale-stench, points of convergence
Of where I am going and where the war has rolled
Beating that drum and taxing that toll
Out in frustrated blood dripping the vile

Walking these forests and burning the miles
Of scorched earth trails repeating reverberating never returns
Cannot go back, grass blades re-grow
A redwood body never has time to relearn

Life spins out in circles, the center is always there
Somewhere further but somewhere connected if not intersected
Are the new years on the outer rims or held within the freshest
Always at the core, sometimes I wish I could truncate these memories

Explore the option of forgetting this quagmire exists in this
Ringed circus apocalypse making me a me and this a fire in the sky
Raining sulfur and bubbling these roots and scalding the torn images of pursuits
Into what this monster was and who he knows is coming in the bud of the rose

Growing this fresh cut flower green and tender and so quick to breaking
At the sickle’s slander, meager means of protection from prepared adversaries
Curse the name of that past to carry around like a voodoo doll piercing myself
Let the effigy go and embrace the pelt of the animal of those days

Long sense feasted upon, there is a new nature to trust a life this long
Not worth the exhaustion, keep this breath from suffocation
And maintain the designation of an identity on the reservation
That I am I and the grip of what was has died and shed like a toe nail grown and clipped

The new Jesus is speaking from the center and the body is moving with a tempered
Understanding of what was with what is, tree rings growing and knowing I will live

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