Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Pheromone of Coming Home

 The Pheromone of Coming Home

There is a piece of you in me now that I know will never leave me
Where ever I go this blessing will permeate
Like an aroma of fated touch slipped beneath my skin
Like a glossed note upon an air conditioned frosted window pane written

With your finger tip imprinting upon the change in temperature
Yet even as the morning breaks and the heat transfers
Through the glass to a more equitable distribution
Of Kelvin and Fahrenheit the coding of your record there
Would functionally exist like a backdrop to every subsequent
Sunrise to how I will look out upon these days raising

Up from the nadirs of blanket charcoal midnights to the
Pierced segmentation of daybreak recollecting your difference
In my life here streaked in digit sway in an alphabet of J’s and L’s
Scripted and sent that your scribe has subscribed to my memories

In daily doses of what matters in the moments of refraction
Of that warmth through the glass and bending me over in the grace of God
That you are here with me, holding in firmness this bond
Knowing it is not transient, it is not flittering on a light beam
In star-dusted brushes off the shoulder of God’s accidental collisions
Across the maps of this Earth, but somewhere deeper in the
Construction of how each of us was made. 

This is a blue print of pheromones coming home cresting in waves of olfactory recognition
With synapses celebrating the leaps of these impossible canyons of cerebellum
Membranes connecting across inherent bonding of a pairing of humans
Like indigo instructions of the way things could have been and will be in an adjoining

I feel this covenant in daily reaffirmed choice with you, to choose your hand in the
Ocean of these emotions; I will be the boat and you will be the oars
Steady, faithful and loyal to you like a vessel for your dreams to carry
Across these horizons and kiss sunsets goodnight into peaceful slumbers

Fervent, emotive, the blue blinking butterfly with green eyes rowing
Moving us in zest your hand in mine and your chest filling these sails with each breath
A zeal upon these days to maneuver these pelagic pathways balanced in the bow
Connecting in a window pane, two hemispheres of a cerebrum connected
In a counter weight of memories in the making, I feel the kindle of your imprint
And the blueprint of God’s design and I say without reservation that

I love you.  I love you in a profound way beyond the sway of the zephyr or the maelstrom
The horizon’s change in colors as the prism rotates the spectrum of these hours
I love you for who you are as you and who are for me.  I love you.

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